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Thursday, December 1, 2005

Brewer week 12 "I am the man!"


Well I remembered to do my blog two weeks in a row and thats really good.  Since I need to bring my grade up it would be nice for me to remember these things.  Well Thanksgiving break was great.  Emily came home with Kevin.  They got here on Wednesday and stayed through Sunday.  I am thinking that they are getting pretty serious because he left his family for Thanksgiving and he is going to do it again on Christmas.  It is okay though because he is a good guy and I like him.  Well there wasn't too much going on up until Thanksgiving day.  I woke up a little early and watched some of the Macy's parade and then watched some football.  After dinner and pie and all that fun stuff the power at my house went out!  This made me really mad, but since there wasn't much to do we decided to go to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or something like that.  So just with our luck right when we are pulling out of the drive way the power comes back on, but we went to the movie anyway.  The movie was okay I have seen better but it was something to do.  But then school started back up and the was kind of boring.  I am starting to enjoy school more.  The super good part of the week is I found out I got 113 out of 113 on my Athletic Training test.  That made me really happy.  And today we went in the gym and played basketball for a while which was a lot of fun.  we are doing the same thing tomorrow too.  Thats all I got for now.  Peace.

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